The Takahashi setup which consisted of both the 106ed, the guidescope 60C, lodestar x2, Starlight Xpress 694 & Filterwheel

Takahashi FSQ-106ED (Europe) specifications

Next Step in my development

The astrophotographers see in the FSQ-106ED one of the best astrographes available for the amateur astronomers. With its focal length of 530mm, an image circle of 88mm and a photographic field of 9,5°, it acts as teleobjective for most powerful CCD and DSR/DSLR cameras of the market.
Based on a Petzval quadruplet optical design with apochromatic ED glasses, the FSQ-106ED is optimized for wide-field imaging of the deep sky. It offers a flat field, and comes equiped with a built-in camera angle adjuster and an oversized rack-and-pinion focuser. To minimize the size of the optical tube, it includes a retractable dewshield and an important backfocus



Optical specifications

Optical designModified Petzval quadruplet apochromat
Aperture106 mm
Focal length530 mm
Focal ratioF/5.0
Limiting magnitude11.8
Light grasp220x
Image circle88 mm
Photo field9.5°
Back focus186.38 mm
Metal back178 mm
With QE-Reducer
Focal length385mm
Focal ratioF/3.6
Image circle44mm
Photo field6.5°
Metal back72.2 mm