Cleaning your Filter Wheel

Having a good cleaned filters and or the lenses is highly important for the benefit of quality images, the example below shows a set of flats stacked to create a master Flats, the dust particles are present everywhere impossible to eliminate. Its time now to clean all the filter wheel and filters.

New Takahashi CCA 250 

My new Takahashi CCA250 is here in my apt in Spain, it has been 4 months waiting for building & delivery.


Takahashi CCA 250 mm Tri-Focal Astrograph Telescope OTA

  • The Takahashi CCA-250 Tri-Focal Astrograph functions at f/5, f/8, and f/3.9 (with 6345 Flattener) and has an aperture of 250 mm (9.84")
  • The CCA-250 Tri-Focal Astrograph was produced by Takahashi to replace the Baker Ritchey Chretien BRC-250
  • The CCA-250 rear assembly includes a large camera rotator and can operate an electric rotator for remote operation
  • The CCA-250 Tri-Focal Astrograph design includes a carbon fiber tube allowing for light weight and stable focus
  • The CCA-250 by Takahashi has a D-series (Losmandy) -compatible dovetail for easy mounting.