Settings in 10Micron
Keypad and virtual keypad settings
Keypad and virtual keypad settings
Sync Refines OFF → A 2s ENTER press with object data displayed will SYNC the model on the object coordinates.
Sync Refines ON → A 2s ENTER press with object data displayed will ADD A POINT to the current model, with the object coordinates matched against the encoder readouts.
10micron official ASCOM driver settings meaning
Enable Sync OFF(KeyPad-PC) → All synchronization commands through the driver are disabled, so the model cannot be altered. Basically cannot be used for modelling externally.
Enable Sync ON (Keypad), Use Sync as Refine OFF (in setup PC) → The ASCOM synchronization command will SYNC the model on the given target coordinates.
Enable Sync ON, Use Sync as Refine ON → The ASCOM synchronization command will ADD A POINT to the current model, with the given target coordinates matched against the encoder readouts. (basically will allow model points to the model already model)
Per Frejvall's ASCOM driver settings
Sync behaviour "Syncs append to refine model" → The ASCOM synchronization command will ADD A POINT to the current model, with the given target coordinates matched against the encoder readouts.
Sync behaviour "Syncs align model" → The ASCOM synchronization command will SYNC the model on the given target coordinates.
settings should I use?
When building a model with the keypad, you will use the 2-Stars or 3-Stars alignment and Refine Stars functions. These works the same whatever the settings are, so don't worry about them.
When building a model with the keypad, you will use the 2-Stars or 3-Stars alignment and Refine Stars functions. These works the same whatever the settings are, so don't worry about them.
Using the HandPad do a 3-Stars alignment
Using the HP do a Polar Alignment.
Using the HP/PC do a new 3-Stars Alignment (given
that after the polar Alignment the previous 3-Stars alignment will disappear)
Using the HP/PC do 15 to 20 Refine Stars Alignment.
Using the HP/PC save this model.
When building a model with a model building software such as Model Creator, Model Maker, Mount Wizzard,
When building a model with a model building software such as Model Creator, Model Maker, Mount Wizzard,
6. Normally you'll set "Enable Sync ON" and "Use Sync as Refine ON" on the 10micron ASCOM driver,
7. or "Syncs append to refine model" on Per Frejvall's ASCOM driver.
In normal operation, usually you shouldn't resynchronize the model. If you connect to the mount with the 10micron ASCOM driver, you can prevent any synchronization through the driver by unchecking "Enable Sync" in the driver setting (note: this won't disable synchronization with the keypad, or with other software that connects to the mount with another driver).
If you have really to synchronize the model on a single star/object (please read above before deciding to do it), you can do it with the keypad (point at the object, centre it with the keypad, then, leaving the object data displayed, press ENTER for at least 2 seconds). In this case you must have "Sync Refines OFF" in the keypad.
If you want to synchronize the model on a single star/object (again - please read above before deciding to do it) with an external software via ASCOM, check "Enable Sync" and uncheck "Use Sync as Refine" in the 10micron driver, or set "Syncs align model" in Per Frejvall's driver.
Why synchronization fails?
Usually, the mount won't accept a synchronization or a refinement point if the coordinates that you are trying to synchronize are too far away from the coordinates the mount is believing it is pointing at. The exception is for QCI mounts before the alignment, which accept almost any synchronization except for positions near the meridian, where there is ambiguity on whether the telescope is west or east of the tripod - these positions can be pointed at with two different mechanical configurations. If you encounter such a situation, probably there is something wrong with your model - check that the right ascension axis is pointing at the celestial pole, that the clock is at correct (including timezone and daylight saving), that the site coordinates are correct, that the telescope is mounted in the correct position on the declination flange.