10 Micron 1000 Mount
The mount is mechanically looks stable, the instrument payload capacity is 25 kg, my equipment will not surpass this weight, so I am confident that it will preform well. The electronics is placed in an removable, independent control box, which is quite handy as it can be fixed if necessary without touching the mount. The GM1000 HPS can be controlled by using the hand pad without any connecting to an external PC, this is actually better them my other mount the AS1100gto, also, the mount can be controlled by using common software by connecting it to a PC via RS-232 serial port, Ethernet or WiFi. I personally prefer the Ethernet connection.
The object data base contains a lot of different star catalogues and deep-sky-objects up to the 16th magnitude. It is possible to load orbital elements of comets, asteroids and artificial satellites. HPS stands for High Precision and Speed. With the help of ultra-high resolution absolute-encoders, directly mounted at the right ascension and declination axis, the 10micron GM1000 HPS allows a very accurate tracking.
For the standard alignment I have taken the following procedure before using an external pointing model like for example, Model Creator.
Quick setup and alignment checklist (GM1000HPS)
1. Disassemble the base adapter from the mount unscrewing the four knobs.
2. If you have a Baader AHT or 10Micron 30H100
by Geoptik tripod, assemble the tripod adapter on the tripod.
3. Mount the base adapter on the pier/tripod,
paying attention that the protruding block is
southward if you are in the northern
hemisphere, northward if you are in the southern hemisphere.
4. Put and lock the mount on the base adapter.
5. Adjust the altitude of the R.A. Axis to
match roughly the latitude of your observing site.
6. Mount the counterweights and the telescope
7. Turn on the mount.
8. Balance the telescope following the
procedure detailed in the manual.
9. Check that the observing site coordinates
and time are correct. You can use an optional GPS
module to obtain these data.
10. Clear the previous alignment using the
Alignment→Clear align function from the menu.
11. Choose from the MENU: Alignment→ 3-Stars.
12. Choose one star from the list and press
13. Press ENTER to confirm the slew to the
star; then centre the star with the maximum
precision (a high-magnification eyepiece on
your main scope, without diagonal mirrors, is
preferable) and press ENTER again.
14. Repeat steps 12. and 13. for two other stars.
15. At this point, the mount will point
correctly, but if you plan to do any photographic
observation, you need to adjust the polar axis
position. Choose from the menu:
Alignment→Polar Align
and select a star from the list.
16. The system will ask to slew to the star.
Press ENTER to confirm. The scope will miss the
star. At this point DO NOT centre the star with
the keypad; use instead the altitude and
azimuth mechanical adjustments until the star
is centred. Then press ENTER.
17. Do another 3-Stars alignment by repeating
steps 10. to 14..
18. If you like to have a better pointing and
tracking precision, select from the menu:
2-stars to add stars to the pointing model (up to 25 stars in total can be
used). Note: for the best result it's necessary
to use more then 10 stars.
19. You can check the orthogonality error and
polar axis alignment error by selecting from the
menu Alignment→Align
Info. Note that orthogonally error does not affect the pointing
precision or tracking.
The above quick standard polar alignment is reached by aligning the mount to the north aligning on three stars. By adding more alignment stars the model is refined. An estimate of the expected pointing accuracy is shown on the hand controller after each additional calibration star is inserted.
The usage of a pointing model up to 100 stars allows the correction of the classical polar alignment and conic errors, also the most important flexure terms of the telescope. With the help of a good pointing model it is possible to obtain a pointing accuracy of 20 arcseconds RMS.
10 Micron GM 1000 HPS take three stars and have an ability to do a high quality polar alignment. It normally takes about 15-18 stars on the GM 1000 HPS to generated a polar alignment of 30 or so arc seconds accuracy. After an observing session, the entire electronics box (motor electronics with Linux computer) and HC can be easily detached and protected from premature aging and moisture damage, especially in winter weather.
A virtual key-pad on PC is available for remote control.
An example of Model Creator, the mark is created by you after setting up all the parameters related to Mount, Telescope and Focus length
Part two of the process is to do a selection of targets/points whereby this will be used by the mount and create a map of your sky, meaning that the mount will know exactly where you are located in the sky.
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